What I Do

The Decluttered Approach


There’s a powerful connection between our homes and our health. When we’re surrounded by clutter, we feel the weight of that clutter inside ourselves. Similarly, when we feel stressed and overwhelmed, our environment often reflects our inner imbalance. Because our internal and external experiences are directly connected, the powerful truth is that when we change one, we change the other.

And research supports what we already feel in our bodies:

  • Constant visual reminders of disorganization drain our cognitive resources and reduce our ability to focus

  • Clutter can increase cortisol, the “stress hormone”, when you are surrounded by a high density of household objects

  • Cluttered home environments can trigger procrastination, as well as coping and avoidance strategies involving snacking on junk and watching TV when individuals feel overwhelmed by the amount of “stuff” in their home

These research points underscore clutter’s negative relationship to our cognitive processing, our hormones and our habits. So let’s do something about it.

When we minimize clutter and eliminate what we don’t need, love, or value in our home environment, we establish a new foundation for awareness, calm, and ease. As we peel away the layers, we also assess and adjust outdated habits and patterns that cause stress and disorder. 

By approaching organization holistically, we create a foundation for healthy, balanced, peaceful living.

Combining my expertise as a KonMari organizational consultant, public health expert and mindfulness guide, I offer a full range of services for homes and workplaces to help individuals and businesses create new habits for sustainable order and organization that translate to increased health, mindfulness, productivity and joy. All Decluttered services are available both in person and virtually.

Jenny Albertini Image Collage What I Do PageJenny Albertini Image Collage What I Do Page Mobile
Jenny Albertini Image Organization Tools
Jenny Albertini Image Organization Cleaning Products
Jenny Albertini Image Organization Living Room

Decluttering & Mindfulness
for Individuals, Couples & Families

We’re all busy. When we do have free time, tidying and organizing is usually the last thing we want to be doing. That’s why I help individuals, couples, and families declutter their lives once and for all.

When working together in person or virtually, I take time to understand the setbacks you’re experiencing, where you long to see change, and where your dream space can exist. We begin decluttering slowly, step-by-step, and then we organize to reach that vision until one day, you’re sitting in a room you used to avoid, feeling at peace in your home and balanced in your daily life.

When we don’t have a process established for placement and storage within the home, there’s an underlying sense of chaos. We never really know where anything is or how much we have of it. This stress, even if it feels insignificant, ripples into our relationships, work, health and financial stability.

My organizing services help you minimize clutter and organize the spaces in your home that are creating stress in your life, and transform them into orderly environments where you feel calm and peaceful.  After we’ve decluttered the physical things in your home, we’ll make sure everyone who lives and works in the space can maintain the new systems too, so your vision can flourish. Throughout the process, you’ll learn to maintain these new systems by changing your behavior to prioritize what’s truly important for your home.  Systems can include making schedules for maintenance and the purchasing of household supplies, photos of closet organization, and other established systems unique to your environment. As needed, we’ll design and curate your space based on your personal vision and organizational needs.

Let’s work together
Jenny Albertini Images Meetings


I offer personal, small-group, and corporate workshops and talks on how to declutter your home, office and life, with tools and inspiration for achieving lasting results.

My workshops and keynote addresses engage and inspire teams to achieve greater organization, balance, success, and fulfillment at work. Peel back the chaos and clear the way for new ideas and more efficient, productive work, and get tools and inspiration for achieving lasting results.

With a background in diplomacy and public health work with the government for two decades, I helped improve systems that enhance the health and well-being of communities around the world.  I know that whether you spend time in a clinic or a boardroom your office environment can either make or break your focus, productivity, and creativity.

My sessions for small businesses and Fortune 500 companies alike deliver tangible advice and actionable steps for participants. I love helping teams clear out physical and mental clutter, and  establish a more organized, mindful and compassionate work environment.

I teach employees how to create more efficiency, productivity and balance in their professional and personal lives – from organizing work areas and meeting work-style needs, to cleaning out unread inbox messages and scheduling the day in a way that allows each individual to do their best work. While employees gain a greater sense of personal balance and calm, companies benefit from a more efficient, energized team advancing the organization toward its goals.I am available for in person and virtual workshops or keynote addresses, as well as brand consulting services on wellness, consumption habits, executive functioning and mindfulness.

Inquire about speaking events

RECENT Joyful Corporate Clients

Testimonials from
Workshops & Speaking Events

"Our workshop with Jenny was fantastic! I personally loved it and feel it was well received! I'd definitely say the workshop was a success! I think we had nearly 100 people live on the call. I really think people took so much away and was nice to hear a different approach to working throughout your day. It’ll help employees be more aware of their time and honestly open channels of communication with leaders!"

Workshop Attendee and Wellness Lead, NBC Universal
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How It Works

Dismantling Overwhelm: How The Method Works

Disorder in our lives can manifest as chaos all around us, suppressing our potential, happiness and freedom. Almost always, the problem isn’t actually the clutter itself – the problems are the habits, beliefs and circumstances that create the clutter. Only when we solve for those can the rest of our lives become tidy.

While the process of decluttering can feel like work in the beginning, it’s far less strain than leading a life weighed down by things you don’t need or love.

Our work begins with visualizing what your ideal space would look like and what you want to be able to do there. What does your dream bedroom look like? What paint color makes you feel alive? What kind of furniture inspires and relaxes you? What would an ideal weekday morning look like for you? When we have a defined vision of where we want to go, it energizes us to work toward our goal.

Things get hands-on when we begin to sort through your space. Following the KonMari MethodTM, we put everything from one category in a pile in the center of a room and sort out which items bring you joy – and which no longer do. It’s that easy – and sometimes that hard. (But I’m here to coach you the entire way.)

As we work through the pile, you’ll witness the number of items that you thought you needed in your life decrease, and then you’ll begin to feel the freedom of being surrounded only by things you love. We then take those valuable items and carefully curate the space of your dreams. Using my expertise as a certified mindfulness facilitator and meditation leader, I’ll guide you through the process of creating clarity and transformation in your personal and professional life that aligns with the transformation the KonMari MethodTM brings to your physical space.

The result is a space that feels like you.

Your style will be reflected in every corner and on every shelf, and organized in a way that’s human-centered just for you so it can be easily enjoyed and maintained.

Jenny sitting at a table with a notebook open

The Life-Changing Results of Decluttering AND Organization

I’ve seen the powerful impact that even a little organization can make on our lives. But once we begin to organize, if we don’t organize everything, we eventually lose traction and then the joy, peace, and calm slips away.

So how do you make lasting change?

You might be thinking...
Your approach sounds great, but this will never work for me.
I’ve cleaned and organized so many times. It never sticks.
I don’t have clutter!
Nothing is bringing me joy right now.
I can’t get rid of things that don’t spark joy. I won’t have anything left!
I don’t have the time or energy this will require.

Sound familiar? Every client I’ve worked with begins this process clinging to one of these beliefs, or several, often because of past tidying efforts gone wrong. That’s why it’s so important to not just sweep through your space, but instead, to go deep into a mindful process to uncover how you’ve created the life around you and what changes you want to experience. When you do, you’ll see what you’ve really been holding onto – and what you can do about it.

When you put the time into completing this process, you’ll also receive time in return. How? Because you’ll minimize roadblocks and simplify processes in your daily life that created more stress than this process ever will. You’ll even create new, mindful habits that support and sustain the change you’ve established. And you won’t be alone; I’ll be there with you
the entire way. As your coach, my work is to support you until your vision is achieved.

Your space will feel renewed.
Getting dressed in the morning will come with ease.
Daily routines will be simplified.
You’ll have more time in your day.
You’ll feel a sense of calm and balance in your life.
You’ll be the leader of your life.

If you’re ready to feel that good, then let’s begin, my friend.
Your journey to a life that sparks joy starts now.